National Music Museum Wins Design Award

AIA South Dakota announced its 2022 Design awards on September 15 and a Koch Hazard project was recognized. The National Music Museum, located in Vermillion, South Dakota, addition and renovation project received a Merit award in the built architecture category.
Koch Hazard Architects worked as the Architect-of-Record for the project and collaborated with Schwartz/Silver. Other team members included: University of South Dakota (client), National Music Museum, Inc. (client), Associated Consulting Engineers, Inc. (mechanical and electrical engineering), SEA, Inc. (structural engineering), Stockwell (civil engineering and landscape architecture) and Journey Group (contractor).
The juror panel for the 2022 AIA SD Design Awards was led by Jeffrey Day, FAIA, founding principal of Actual Architecture Co. in Omaha, Nebraska, who assembled a team of three to judge 19 South Dakota entries.
AIA South Dakota is a non-profit organization made up of architects, future architects and partners in design and construction industries.