Koch Hazard Project Recognized at AIA South Dakota Awards Ceremony

AIA South Dakota announced its 2023 Design Awards on September 25 and a Koch Hazard Architects project was recognized. The Trash Enclosure, a part of Falls Center located in downtown Sioux Falls, received a Merit award in the Small Architecture category.
Koch Hazard Architects served as the Architect-of-Record for the project and collaborated with Falls Center, Inc. (client), SEA, Inc. (structural engineer) and Swift Constractors.
For more information and photos of the Trash Enclosure, click here.

The Jury Chair for the 2023 AIA South Dakota Design Awards was Kate Schwennsen, FAIA, Professor Emeritus and Director Emeritus of the School of Architecture, Clemson University. Also serving as jurors were Thomas Savory, FAIA, LEED AP, NCARB, a principal and higher education design director with McMillian Pazdan Smith Architecture, and Jane Frederick, FAIA, LEED AP, a principal at Frederick + Frederick Architects who had served as the 96th president of the American Institute of Architects.
AIA South Dakota is a non-profit organization made up of architects, future architects and partners in design and construction industries. To read about all the awards handed out at this year’s AIA Convention, click here.