Koch Hazard Wins Design Award

The South Dakota Chapter of the American Institute of Architects announced its 2020 Design Award winners on September 17 and one Koch Hazard project was recognized. McVicker Plaza, located in Vermillion, SD, received a Merit award in the Preservation & Adaptive Reuse category. Matthew Kreilich, of Snow Kreilich Architects, served as this year’s juror.

Merit Award – McVicker Plaza

After years of leasing space, the Vermillion Area Chamber & Development Company (VCDC) needed their own office space. When a prominent location along Main Street became available, they leapt at the chance to create a meaningful improvement to the historic streetscape and raise their public profile. Generous offices assist the VCDC in recruitment and retention of the best possible staff, and a centralized collaborative space offers shared opportunities for the chamber, their members and the community.

Mr. Kreilich had this to say about the project, “The transformation of the exterior façade of this project respects the multiple lives of this historic structure. The masonry restoration brings the structure back to its former majesty, while the preservation of the mural recognizes the community and surrounding landscape. The interior transformation brings in more natural light and opens up the second floor considerably, while the original plaster and brick is maintained instead of hidden.”

McVicker Plaza was designed by Keith Thompson, AIA, LEED AP BD+C and Carolee Miller managed the project.

To read the complete project award submission, click here.

AIA South Dakota is a non-profit organization made up of architects, future architects and partners in design and construction industries.